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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel odio ipsum, a feugiat ante. In vehicula mi eu urna scelerisque ut fringilla tellus dignissim. Suspendisse ipsum sapien, facilisis in placerat vitae, lacinia vitae diam. Cras augue metus, sagittis ut consequat eget, interdum quis massa
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Focus on the text book
Chapter Objectives At the beginning of each chapter, major objectives of what your students are expected to learn from the chapter are given. Your teaching methodology should be tailored to achieve these objectives.
Photo/ Illustration
At the beginning of each chapter, a photo/ illustration with caption is included for the student to think about the use of ICT tools and services or some impact of these technologies on our economy. For example, in the first unit, a graphic illustration is inserted with a note “Ancient people spent most of their time farming and hunting for food. So they invented farming tools and hunting tools, such as spades and spears. In comparison, modern people spend a lot of time processing information and sharing it with others. What do they need to do this?” Teachers should elaborate on this topic and make them interested in getting to know about the ICT tools and services.

Discuss the students’ responses in the class. Field trips to the various locations where ICT is being used will help the students to have a better understanding of the applications of the ICT in the real world situations.
End-of-section exercises include short answer review questions (fill-in, true/false, missing letters in key terms) as well as essay questions enabling students to apply the concepts learned in the section. Also included are end-of-chapter exercises (matching questions covering the entire chapter, general questions which are suitable for group discussions and crossword puzzle). Make sure the students write their answers without consulting each other. Divide the students into smaller groups to discuss group topics / do project works.
Key terms
At the end of each chapter, all the new terms which appeared in the chapter are listed. Make sure that the students understand the meanings of the terms thoroughly.

At the end of each chapter, a brief resume of a computer expert is given. This is to help the students get an idea of the various careers in the computer field. The computer teachers should get in touch with computer experts through the parent-teacher associations and arrange them to meet the students.
Do you know?
Under the 'Do you know?' boxed item, some interesting information concerning computer and computer people are included. Give some background on the topic and later discuss the facts in detail. Get the students interested to read more on the background information under this item.
Field activities
This is one of the most important teaching methods for the secondary school children. There are two purposes for field trips. The first is to collect information as a group on a topic as required by the teacher. Guidelines are provided in each field activity such as: what to collect, how to present, etc. The second is to see and understand how information technology products and services are being used in the country.

There are many places to see ICT products and their use in real-life applications: computer shops, banks, private business organisations, and institutions of higher learning. Before taking them for a field trip, it is a good practice to brief them on the purpose of the visit, location and what they will see. During the visit, entertain the students’ questions. Ask the students to take notes on the things that they have seen or heard. Don't combine many themes in one field trip.
Skill activities
The majority of the skill activities are based on software packages. Appropriate software packages must be procured for each activity. The best source of information on the suitability of software packages is from the teacher colleagues in the schools. The teacher must be familiar with the packages before he/she uses it in the class for the students. Necessary worksheets and exercises must be prepared and field tested before handing over to the students. A few sample worksheets are included at the end of each chapter in this teacher guide book. Each skill laboratory class should not be more than 60 minutes. Make sure you have all the computer resources such as printers and printer ribbons for producing outputs. Divide the class into groups for difficult skill projects.
In this boxed section additional tips, such as shortcut keys for particular application software are listed.
In this boxed section the different methods used to perform the same function in an upgraded version of a particular application software are illustrated.
Review & Activities
In the last section towards end of each unit where core concepts are summarised for easy reference and revision, cross word puzzle and word search activity provided for the student to try with the key words learnt in the last the new words leant in the unit. The students are expected to complete a project work for each unit or as required by the curriculum requirements. Students tend to spend too much time on project works. This will have a negative impact on the learning of other subjects. You should limit the scope of the project so that it does not take too much time. You can divide the class into small groups if required. Plan to provide some extra computer as well as Internet time for the students who don't have a computer at home.

Additional field activities and skill activities covering the entire unit area also included

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