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Aims of ICT Subject
There are two major objectives of teaching about ICT in the school curriculum. One is to teach students about ICT, that is, computers, computer networks, and the Internet to make students knowledgeable in ICT or ICT literates. ICT literacy enables people to talk with each other about ICT tools and services. A ICT literate person can operate and use a computer, use the Internet service and also any electronic machine. ICT literacy is considered to be the fourth 'R' in addition to the popular 3Rs (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic).

The second objective is to teach subjects such as Amharic, English, Geography, Science, History and Mathematics with the aid of computers. The use of computers to teach traditional subjects is known as 'Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)' or 'Computer Aided Instruction (CAI)'. It is also known as e-learning when instruction materials are sourced over the Internet. The syllabus of any ICT curriculum in schools is to strike a balance between teaching about ICT and teaching with ICT. The aims are:

· Introduce the use of computers, communications and chips as tools for information management.

· Develop through practical experience, the skills of information management; collecting, manipulating and presenting information for decision making.

· Provide a resource of knowledge and skills which can be used in other subjects of the secondary school curriculum as a form of Computer Aided Learning or e-learning.

· Expose students the various aspects of business information systems and how such systems will help in decision making process.

· Expose students the various aspects of business information systems and how such systems will help in decision making process.

· Develop awareness in students of the impact of information technology in society and some of the issues in information technology.

· Appreciate the way and the speed with which information is transmitted through various forms of electronic communication.

· Provide students with some understanding of the basic computing techniques and computer packages which should to some extent facilitate entry to the next level of ICT studies after finishing the school.

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