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Teaching Aids for Computer Studies
The teaching aids needed for teaching ICT studies are not very much different from that of other subjects. Generally, the following aids are commonly used:

· Chalk board

· White board

· OHP and transparencies / LCD Panel

· Projector and slides

· Audio and Video tapes

· Text books / Journals / News papers

· Computer software

· Real objects

· LAN in the school connected to the national gateway

· CAI or e-learning materials

The chalk board is one of the most widely used tools found in the classroom. Computer laboratory should be dust free and hence chalk boards are unsuitable in computer laboratories. White boards provide clean environment in the computer laboratories.

Make use of audio and video programs in the classroom if you have the necessary equipment and tapes. Ask the students to watch TV programs related to ICT over at home or arrange some time during the ICT periods, show prerecorded programs on not only related to ICT but also on other subjects. Then discuss their content in the class next day. The best source of getting video and audio programs in the country is the Ministry of Education.

Use OHP or slide projector where necessary. Making use of OHP is rather easy and effective. Color transparencies will have a greater impact on the students. Clipart will also be very helpful in preparing transparencies. If you add an OHP LCD adapter panel to the computer then presentation becomes easier.

Choosing appropriate computer software packages is a key to the success of implementing ICT studies in schools. The textbook uses the Ministry of Education approved software packages and hence you need not spend too much time what to use in the classroom. However you can choose your own packages for teaching or illustrating a concept which may be freely downloaded. Make sure you don’t download nay spam or virus infected packages. It will do more harm to your network. A list of website suitable for downloading will be posted on to help the teachers.

A list of recommended software packages other than the Ministry of Education approved packages suitable for the schools is included at the end of this guide book. Decide which software package is to be used for each activity. These packages need to be upgraded as and when new releases are made available. School libraries need to acquire necessary user manuals for each of the software packages. Make available all important copies of the manuals for the students to use in the laboratory.

Students learn more readily by examining and touching real objects which they study. Therefore, ICT studies teachers in consultation with the school authorities must acquire the computer hardware parts such as monitors, cables, print heads, CD/DVDs, Floppy disks, cartridges, network cards, CPUs, ROM/RAM chips, disks and disk drives. Use them as and when required.

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