Latest News
Zimbabwe wants to be a knowledge society
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Bill, will put in motion the strategic plan to develop telecommunications and Internet infrastructure, and enhance capacity to produce local software and hardware, The five-year ICT plan, scheduled to start this year, aims to address issues such as cyber-security; ICT utilisation and infrastructure development; e-business and e-government; and ICT investment and partnerships.
The bill will help transform Zimbabwe into a knowledge society. The plan will get finances through private-public partnerships.
Biggest Technology Company
Apple Company, the maker of iPod, iPad, and Mac has pushed past Microsoft to become the world’s biggest technology company in May 2010. Apple Company is worth about $222 billion compared to Microsoft’s 218 billion. link
Botswana Innovation Hub (BIH)
Botswana has recently launched Botswana Innovation Hum (BIH) that will make Botswana to be the leading African destination for innovative businesses. The mission of BIH is to provide an attractive location for technology-driven and knowledge-intensive businesses to develop, and to compete in the global market. Contact the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology, Private Bag 00414 , Gaborone, Botswana. Link
Mauritius Plans to adopt green computing
The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology is drafting a “green” ICT policy document, which will promote the concept and act as a roadmap to sustain present green ICT initiatives. It will also devise and implement strategies in for green ICT and e-waste management. Probably Mauritius may be the first Africa country to launch such climate saving program. Link
Man Infects Himself With Computer Virus
A scientist with a computer chip implanted in his wrist has deliberately infected himself with a computer virus. Read more about this news at Link
Web Links

There are more than 1 billion PCs in the world. About 60 years ago there were none.

Are you looking for more information or do research on ICT and the related technologies in the world? We've collected a number of websites that may be of assistance to you. Please quick link in your research.  Click on the links below to view each of the websites

Recent developments Six sense ICT developments
What is nanotechnology?
What is artificial intelligence?
Wikipedia- AI
List of supercomputers
E-government Botswana
Brunei Darussalam
Trinidad & Tobago
Computer History Computer History 1
Computer History 2
Integrated Circuit History - 1
Integrated Circuit History - 2
Telecommunications History - 1
Telecommunications History - 2
Telecommunications History - 3
London Science Museum
Computer history video
Personal Computer History Video
Basics of computers Upgrading a PC Video
Jan’s Computer illustrated
Basics of computers
Computer basics & Tips
e-learning Wikipedia e-learning
Moodle - -free- e-learning development system
e-business Wisegeek – What is e-business?
Wikipedia – What is e-business?
Planning e-business
Basics of e-commerce
Internet History of Internet Video?
TCP/IP addressing sub-networking
Wikipedia - Internet protocol
Internet Basics bee
Web development
Computer Virus How computer virus works
Top five viruses
How to remove Virus from your computer?
What is a computer virus?
Microchips Intel Microchips
AMD Microchips
Fujitsu Memory Technologies
Recent developments Six sense ICT developments
What is nanotechnology?
What is artificial intelligence?
Wikipedia- AI
Mauritius Websites Ministry of education
University of Technology, Mauritius
Clavis International primary school
ST Andrew’s school
Northfield International high school
University of Mauritius
Saint Joseph College
UK Websites Review of ICT basics
European Computer Driving Licence
ICT4LT – ICT for Language Teachers
Westminster School
Bramham Primary School
Wetherby High School
Woodhouse Grove School
Woodkirk High School
Wortley High School
Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College
Leeds Metropolitan University
University of Leeds
Turney Primary and Secondary Special School
Lambeth College
Morley College
The Marine Society College of The Sea
King's College London
Botswana websites University of Botswana
Government portal
Morama Community Junior Secondary School
Maru-a-pula school
Computer security Wikipedia – What is computer security?
Microsoft – Online security
Computer Security And Malicious Software
Firewall guide
Computer security and virus protection
Computer security tips
Securing your PC
Computer networks Wikipedia – What is a computer network?
Network tutorials
Series of network tutorials – Videos
e-How: Networking
Educators’ computer network guide

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