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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel odio ipsum, a feugiat ante. In vehicula mi eu urna scelerisque ut fringilla tellus dignissim. Suspendisse ipsum sapien, facilisis in placerat vitae, lacinia vitae diam. Cras augue metus, sagittis ut consequat eget, interdum quis massa
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel odio ipsum, a feugiat ante. In vehicula mi eu urna scelerisque ut fringilla tellus dignissim. Suspendisse ipsum sapien, facilisis in placerat vitae, lacinia vitae diam. Cras augue metus, sagittis ut consequat eget, interdum quis massa
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Computer usage at home
The effects of sitting in front of computers too long are: tired eyes, aching hands and an effect on the child's posture in the long run. Recent studies show that the total time that a child watches TV and uses the computer including playing a video game should not be more than two hours a day. Any one such sitting in front of a TV or the computer should not be more than an hour.

They need to study other subjects. The trend among children is to devote more time with computers than with other subjects. The parents should make sure that the children do devote time for other subjects.

The children need to go outside and play and enjoy real life games rather than spending too much time with computers.

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