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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel odio ipsum, a feugiat ante. In vehicula mi eu urna scelerisque ut fringilla tellus dignissim. Suspendisse ipsum sapien, facilisis in placerat vitae, lacinia vitae diam. Cras augue metus, sagittis ut consequat eget, interdum quis massa
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel odio ipsum, a feugiat ante. In vehicula mi eu urna scelerisque ut fringilla tellus dignissim. Suspendisse ipsum sapien, facilisis in placerat vitae, lacinia vitae diam. Cras augue metus, sagittis ut consequat eget, interdum quis massa
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Advice to Parents
Parents need to understand that the Internet is the most important part of your kids learning so please don’t deny its access.

Install Internet access filters to prevent your kids accessing undesirable websites.

Consult other parents and teachers to see how to monitor your kids access to the Internet.

Talk to your children about potential online dangers such as giving out personal information to strangers. Chat room acquaintances are strangers and your child should never arrange to meet them in the real world unless you give permission and/or know who they are.

Make sure your kids don’t give any of her or his personal information online predators.

Tell your kids that if someone harasses them on-line, says something inappropriate, or makes them feel uncomfortable in any way they should tell you or their teacher immediately. Ask them not to react online and simply close the session.

If you have your own web site, avoid putting your children’s pictures on it as many predators are always looking for pictures.

Train your kid to inform you immediately if any request for personal information is solicited.

Consider installing a children’s search engine, like Yahooligans.

Create a special folder of “bookmarks,” or “favourites,” for your child on your computer’s browser.

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