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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel odio ipsum, a feugiat ante. In vehicula mi eu urna scelerisque ut fringilla tellus dignissim. Suspendisse ipsum sapien, facilisis in placerat vitae, lacinia vitae diam. Cras augue metus, sagittis ut consequat eget, interdum quis massa
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Helping the Schools
Parents who are working in the information technology departments must advice the schools on the new technologies available in the country in the way of talks or special seminars. They should also provide information on how to get permission for the students to visit information technology departments.

Parents can also help the schools by purchasing computers for their children to be used at home. This will reduce the burden of providing computing time for every child.

For those parents who are not familiar with the technology, the teachers should give advice on the type of machines they should purchase. The teachers should also advice the parents to monitor and limit the time children spend using the computer.

Most school ICT projects were successful because of the parental help in denoting computers to the school. Parents need to consult the school headmaster for more details on computer donation.

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